When “off-road” meets “electrification”, how does BAIC crack it?


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Guarding the core and status, the Beijing Automobile Off-road Corps “powered up”.

For off-road, among domestic car companies, BAIC Motor, which has been deeply involved in this track for more than 60 years, undoubtedly has the right to speak, and at the same time, off-road electrification has gradually become a trend, and BAIC Motor also needs to actively respond and change. The magic nuclear drive super drive solution is the optimal solution that finds a balance between off-road and electrification.

On April 25, the 18th Beijing Auto Show opened as scheduled, and BAIC Motor Co., Ltd., which was fighting at home, interpreted in detail the magic nuclear power drive super drive solution for off-road electrification with the theme of “driving electricity”, and brought the latest landing results of the BJ60 and new BJ40 magic nuclear power drive platforms, and at the same time released the pre-sale price and policy of BJ30 new cars, and comprehensively attacked off-road electrification.

As a group of hybrid based electric four-wheel drive schemes, the magic nuclear power drive adopts the two underlying logics of “reliability” and “simplicity”, takes off-road as the core and people as the center, and forms five core technologies, including architecture safety, heat balance, energy replenishment efficiency, electric drive ability, and decision-making intelligence.

Whether it is a four-drive force or differential locking, the magic nuclear power drive adopts the R&D logic of “using electricity when it can be used”, which minimizes the mechanical structure, reduces the weight and reduces fuel consumption, while making the power more abundant, the control more accurate, and the performance more reliable, which accurately matches the most suitable electrification extension for off-road.

At the Beijing Auto Show, the BJ60 and the all-new BJ40 were unveiled at the Beijing Auto Show, bringing consumers a new choice of electrified off-road models.

Among them, the BJ60 magic nuclear power drive version will greatly expand the use scenarios and output the advantages of more durable, energy-saving and comfortable long-distance crossing, while the BJ40 magic nuclear power drive version will break the disadvantages of high energy consumption of fuel off-road vehicles, fully release the electrification energy, and enjoy the fun of off-road.

At the same time, the all-new BJ30, which focuses on the “light field market”, officially opened pre-sales at the Beijing Auto Show, offering three gasoline models and two super HEV hybrid models.

In addition, the new BJ40 Blade Hero Edition of Huadan, the off-road leader of Beijing Motor, also attracted a large number of onlookers. This model will become a strong competitor in the expanding off-road market while lowering the threshold for extreme off-road while comprehensively improving the hard-core off-road configuration.

At present, China’s off-road market is booming, new energy off-road vehicles are blooming, as the pioneer and promoter of China’s off-road, can BAIC continue to lead in the new era with the magic nuclear power drive super drive program?